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Academic Supervisors

School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews

Ready to tackle industry research challenges

The School has Academic Supervisors that are engaged in various research activities, including data-driven and/or data-intensive research. Many staff already work closely with industry, tackling real-world problems. The list below is to give you a flavour of our current research activities, so that you can have a chance to see the diversity and quality of the research that we undertake. If the specific area you are interested in is not shown, please do contact us directly and we will be happy to discuss possibilities with you to take things forward.

Oz (Özgür) Akgün: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Constraint Satisfaction; High-level modelling languages; Data Mining through Optimisation.

Oggie (Ognjen) Arandelovic: Computer vision; Machine learning; Pattern Recognition; Data mining; Big data analysis; Health informatics; Statistics; Clinical trial design and analysis; Information retrieval; Mathematical modelling; Image processing.

Dharini Balasubramaniam: Design and implementation of programming languages, type systems, software evolution with particular interest in dynamic evolution, software architecture and domain-specific languages.

Adam Barker: Large-scale distributed systems; Systems research; Cloud computing; Cluster computing; Infrastructure; Big data; Service-oriented architectures (SOA); Semantic web; Linked data.

Saleem Bhatti: Networked and computer communication systems, architectures, protocols and applications; Internet architecture; Security and Privacy in networked systems; Mobile and wireless systems; Energy; Mobile health (mHealth); Communications systems for development; Performance analysis; Testbeds and empirical, data-driven/data-intensive research.

Juliana Bowles: Formal verification techniques including model checkers; Theorem provers and constraint solvers; Distributed systems concurrency; Temporal logics including stochastic and distributed logics; Natural language requirements and links to formal methods and tools; Model-driven development and tools; Modelling in healthcare and evidence-based clinical decision support systems; Health Informatics.

Edwin Brady: Programming languages; Type theory; Dependently typed functional programming; Compilers; Domain Specific Languages (DSLs).

Chris Brown: Programming languages; refactoring; semantics; programming transformation; energy analysis; parallel programming; heterogeneous computing

Loraine Clarke: Design Research and Human Computer Interaction relating to: tangible physical interaction, social interaction, shape changing interfaces, Data Physicalisation, museum and cultural heritage user experiences, participatory design and design beyond humans for more sustainable futures.

Al Dearle: Distributed systems; Systems architecture; Cloud computing; Distributed storage systems; Data linkage; Genealogical population reconstruction; Synthetic population generation; Similarity Search.

Simon Dobson: Complex systems; Complex networks; Coupled adaptive networks; Data science; Sensor systems; Activity recognition; Computational epidemiology; Urban network modelling; Distributed systems; System architecture; Cloud computing; Pervasive systems.

Joan Espasa Arxer: Boolean Satisfiability (SAT); Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT); Classical and Numeric AI Planning; Planning as Satisfiability; Constraint Programming; Automated reformulation of models; Formal Languages and their expressivity; Applications of Logic to Computer Science

Lei Fang:Bayesian machine learning, Bayesian nonparametrics, statistical learning, uncertainty reasoning, transfer learning, wireless sensor networks

Marwan Fayed: Network and systems supports for streaming video; Networked and computer communication algorithms, architectures, protocols; Wireless and mobile communications; Communications for remote regions; Network measurement.

Rosa Filgueira: Distributed Systems, Data-Streaming Optimizations, Serverless Computing, Adaptive Communication Techniques, Intelligent Advisory Systems for Scientific Software, Text Mining and NLP techniques in Digital Humanities, Static Code Analysis

Ian Gent: Combinatorial search problems in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

David Harris-Birtill: Medical Technology; Image and Signal Processing; Computer Vision; Medical Imaging; Data Analysis; Machine Learning.

Tristan Henderson: Data Ethics; Law and Technology; Reproducible and responsible research; Data protection and privacy; Human-data interaction (HDI).

Ruth Hoffmann: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Computational Group Theory, Computational Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Permutation Patterns

Jason Jacques: Crowdsourcing, digital economy, online communities, sustainability.

Chris Jefferson: Constraint programming; Computational group theory; Automated game generation; Software engineering.

Tom Kelsey: Data-driven research, using advanced computational techniques to identify, retrieve, classify and analyse data in order to generate hypotheses and develop models.

Graham Kirby: Distributed storage systems; Peer-to-peer systems; Autonomic systems; Data linkage; Genealogical population reconstruction; Population simulation; Synthetic population generation.

Olexandr Konovalov: Computational discrete mathematics; Parallel symbolic computation; Human-computer algebra interaction; Software sustainability; Reproducible research.

Steve Linton: Problems, in abstract algebra; General algorithms such as vector numeration; Development of the GAP (groups, algorithms and programming) system.

Areti Manataki: Artificial intelligence (ai); data science; health informatics; modelling in healthcare; health data inferences; evidence-based clinical decision support systems; intelligent systems

Ian Miguel: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Decision-making and optimisation; Combinatorial search; Constraint modelling and solving; Propositional satisfiability (SAT).

Alan Miller: Network traffic measurement; Virtual Worlds, particularly systems aspects; The use of technology to enhance learning; Computer networks; Congestion control; Multimedia; Quality of Service (QoS).

Mark-Jan Nederhof: Computational linguistics; Formal language theory; Writing systems.

Susmit Sarkar: Shared-memory concurrency; Memory consistency models; Cache coherence; Hardware verification; Hardware design validation; Program logics; Program analysis; Programming languages; Formal verification; Mechanised theorem proving.

Tom Spink: JIT-Compilation-as-a-Service, Cross-architecture Virtual Machine Hypervisor, IoT Virtualisation

Kasim Terzic: Computer Vision; Scene Understanding; Machine Learning; Cognitive Robotics; Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Alice Toniolo: Argumentation; Intelligent Systems; Reasoning; Dialogue; Collaboration; Conflicting Information; Provenance; Planning; Multi-Agent Systems; Human-Agent Interaction; Evidential Reasoning; Normative Reasoning; Conflict Resolution.

Blesson Varghese: Distributed systems; Cloud/Edge computing; Machine learning; Computer systems

Erica (Juan) Ye: Human activity recognition; Behaviour-changing applications; Mobile and health: Pervasive computing; Sensor networks.