The Data Lab
The Data Lab works with industry and academia to create a pipeline of talented data scientists, equipped with the relevant knowledge, skills and understanding to apply cutting edge research within industry.
Funding Support
Industry Sponsors can apply for funding support from The Data Lab. This will be awarded for Research Engineers who are judged by The Data Lab to be offering the most exciting and innovative proposals for pursuing data-driven or data-intensive research. The Data Lab will provide up to 50% of the fees and stipend for a Research Engineer (RE) for the 4-year EngD programme, for those REs applying for entry in September 2019. Subject to eligibility, applicants can be of any nationality, but awards will be made only on the basis of UK/EU fees rate. The awards are at the discretion of The Data Lab. A broad outline of eligibility is:
- The research proposed is data-intensive and/or data-driven.
- The research will be innovative, resulting in the generation of new knowledge and/or new intellectual property.
- The research shows the potential for a positive economic and/or social impact for Scotland.
It is at the discretion of The Data Lab to decide what proportion of funding to allocate to an individual applicant based on its merits.
Engagement with The Data Lab
REs who are awarded funding support from The Data Lab will also engage with various activities and events at The Data Lab, in its remit to build, encourage and support a community of scientists, engineers, practitioners and problem owners in data science.
Intellectual Property (IP)
The Data Lab support is funded through the Scottish Government, and so the default arrangement for recipients will be that IP generated will be shared equally between the RE, the Industrial Sponsor, and the University of St Andrews. However, award of the Studentships will be based on technical merit, and negotiations on IP arrangements will be possible on a per-applicant basis.
Industry Sponsors can advertise vacancies at any time, and early advertisement is encouraged.
RE applications are invited from those with an Industry Sponsor already in place, as well as those without an Industry Sponsor. Full information about funding support from The Data Lab is here.
Industry Sponsors
Industry Sponsors should have a research or operational base in Scotland, at which the Research Engineer will be based for undertaking the activities of the Individual Research Component. Industrial Sponsors can be organisations of any size.
Cheryl Stewart <> or Neil Brown <>, The Data Lab, 15 South College St., Edinburgh, EH8 9AA, UK